Saturday, 4 April 2009

UFFA Season 7 Allocation

UFFA allocations for season 7 were detailed yesterday, the big news is that lower reputation federations have lost a qualification spot for the Gold Cup for the following season. In an interesting turn of events the New User Football Association has been granted UFFA qualification rights for the coming season, despite requiring all members to leave the federation after their first season in the union, thus forfeiting their UFFA place under existing rules.

Previously UFFA officials have stated that teams changing federation at the end of the season would sacrifice any UFFA qualification they earned at their old federation because allowing any disparity between the number of teams in UFFA competitions could create a further gap between the top federations and the rest. With this being the case it is not good news for the federations that have seen their UFFA allocation reduced this season.


UFFA Representative Shaun Meakin explains how this was decided:

In the Gold Cup, the two 4 rep FA's got the most allocations (4 each) with the other strong FA's getting 3 each. Despite not having many people, both the NFA and the MLFA still got 3 allocations as they have a higher rep FA than compared to, say, the SEFA.

In the Silver Cup, only 2 spots were given to the high rep teams as a result of them having 4 Gold Cup spots. The EEFA and the NUFA both got 2 spots as they are the lowest rep (and members) FA's that are residing in the Clough Game World. The rest of the FA's got 3 allocations.

In the Cup Winners Cup, the top Feds got 3 allocations, to make up for not having an extra Silver Cup spot each. The next highest ranked FA's only got 2 allocations as they already had 3 Gold and Silver Cup allocations, and it was felt that it would be unfair on the NUFA and the EEFA if they didn't get 3 allocations in at least one UFFA competition.

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