Sunday, 22 March 2009

Tactics Corner with Scott Davidson

...with Scott Davidson, manager of MK City FC, who joined the XEFA from the EEFA this season. He's currently on his way to reach his first XEFA trophy by winning the Division 1.

Dennis Moberg: What is your tactical philosophy in FML?
Scott Davidson: Its not much of a philosophy but I like to keep the centre of midfield packed with players. This season I've created 3 or 4 different formations to try and combat different situations. However, almost all of them has 3 CM's

Dennis Moberg: You've scored the most goals by far in your division - 98 so far. Is this down to you leaning towards attacking tactics, or are you simply blessed with more attacking brilliance than other teams?
Scott Davidson: This season I moved to a 5-3-2 but a very attacking version of it. I found that my 4-4-2 Diamond was ok but I never scored enough goals (I'd rather win 5-4 than 1-0). I also wanted a new formation which the bigger teams weren't used to playing so I could surprise them a little. At the start of the season some of my players were on fire so goals were easier to come by. In the last week my form has changed quite a bit so I've had to play a slightly different way

Dennis Moberg: What do you look for in your MC's, attribute-wise?
Scott Davidson: Just the usual really, Passing, Creativity, Off the Ball, First Touch for the attacking ones. As they're centre midfielders I don't usually bother with pace and acceleration which does help me pick up some bargains.

Dennis Moberg: To continue on with the MC's - do you give each on of them a special duty to perform, or are they part of different "groups" in your tactic?
Scott Davidson: To be honest my midfielders do have special duties. I have one guy who is very defensive and another who is very attacking. He's the real creative one who is supposed to make things happen. The 3rd midfielder changes round quite a bit ... I have one strong guy who is a bit defensive but is good at passing and keeping the ball moving, and I have another who is more attacking. If my form is good then I'll go for the more attacking 3rd man in midfield, however at the minute the defensive player is getting the nod!

Dennis Moberg: What tactics do you feel you get an advantage and disadvantage of with your current set-up with the 3 MC's?
Scott Davidson: I think playing 3 MC's gives you more protection, particularly when you don't have the ball. Obviously with such a narrow formation you can't play as expansive as when using wingers. I've tried to combat this by getting in two good full backs who can go forward when needed. Another disadvantage may be that constantly playing narrow could be easy to counter over time. I'm trying to build a squad which can easily go to 4-5-1 mid-game so that if I do need to play wide I can do.

Dennis Moberg: Thanks for your time Scott.

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