Friday, 6 February 2009

Cameron Defends Transfer Policy

Andrew Cameron appeared before the gathered press at a hastily arranged press conference at the Bernabeu Den with a pre-prepared statement in response to the allegations made in yesterday's Cloughite.

Firstly, I would like to clarify that the Madrid Lions are not a selling club. We have never been in the habit of selling our best players, and it is not a habit we wish to get into. The recent moves made in the transfer market may have raised one or two eyebrows, but they have been made with the full backing of the board.

The players who have been brought in have not been brought in as a profit making mechanism. There is no doubt that all four of the star players currently out on loan have a future at the club, and along with Gabriel Hauche, will in all likelihood form the backbone of our team for years to come. As the more economically minded will no doubt be aware, the world is in a recession, and the 'Clough Crunch' has really impacted on a lot of clubs. However, here at the Bernabeu Den, we are aware that this kind of market presents as many opportunities as it does pitfalls.

We have looked to exploit the market fully during this time, and have brought in players that are simply outwith our budget in normal market circumstances. Obviously we have the major stadium project to think about at present, and the players being loaned out is merely a short term measure to balance the books. Rest assured I have full confidence in the players who have remained at the club to hold our reputation within the UFFA, prior the surge we intend to make when the players return.

Mr. Cameron's statement failed to deny the rumours that these players were signed purely for the potential profit a future sale could see the club make, and furthermore indicated that the club could be looking to make further deals of a similar nature.

However, at this stage I am unable to guarantee that no more players will be making similar moves out, nor indeed that the players who are out on loan will return at the end of the season. These could very well become 42 day moves, purely for financial reasons. I would like to assure the fans that the club does not consider itself to be in financial jeopardy, and we fully expect to come out the other side of this recession a far stronger team.

After reading the statement the press officer informed those present that they would not be taking further questions on the matter.

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